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Sunday, July 19, 2009

The newly deigned R/C Modz Scale TLT-1 goes for a test drive.

- R/C Modz Full Throttle takes the newly modified TLT-1 Scalier out for a beating in the Manitoba bush. Sporting the ever popular 80's style Chevrolet body, the truck went through whatever mother nature left in it's path. Like a true Chevy pick up decked out with off road tires like these ones, it made it easy for the truck to concur rocks, sticks and stones. A sand pit, even harsh gravel roads with 3 inch craters, deep mud trenches, and grassy fields.
"I have seen lot's of other Tamiya TLT-1 scale trucks. Everyone does things there own way, and a little bit different. I build my stuff with originality and customization that other's haven't seen before. In the whole true scale side of things, the truck is unstoppable and fun to drive. Just when you think it got stuck, it managed to get out. This is my scale TLT-1 and I like it."
-Christopher Oswald (R/C Modz Full Throttle)

More pictures available on the website.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Tamiya TLT-1 get's a make over

The Tamiya TLT-1 get's a make over, well.... a scratch built chassis and a diff rebuild. Been a while since I had them apart, and I think they could use some cleaning and new grease. The new frame is built to follow similar stance to the Axial SCX-10 scale crawler. This picture was taken in the early (rough) stages of design. I know you recognize the wheels and tires, don't worry. The Tamiya Hilux has a different set of wheels and tires now, more like it's big brother the Bruiser. There will be better pictures to follow as I wrap up this project. Oh, and for those of you who are wondering.... I have put BACK the scale 80's style Chevrolet body. Since you guys missed it so much. I figured I'd give the body some TLC too, and it's in the early stages of being re-painted. ( I do like my Chevy body)

R/C Modz Full Throttle